Mimsy Raas

A member of the Raas Clan of Emaan society, Mimsy is a crew member of the Glomar. When she’s introduced in episode 1 she travels aimlessly with the Glomar from city to city finding salvage and repairing it to sell in markets organized by the Glomar’s crew.

Mimsy is very emotional and immature. Although she means no harm, she angers quickly and bickers with many of the other characters in Orguss. When she learns of Mohm’s feelings for Kei she can’t help but be upset by the competition (even though Mohm’s an android). Mimsy’s dislike for Mohm is put to rest after the selfless robot gives up her life to protect Mimsy in episode 34.

She is engaged to marry Srei but can’t commit herself to their relationship. When Kei arrives on the scene she is fascinated but takes a long time to sort out her feelings for him. After a lot of heated arguments she realizes her love for Kei and becomes pregnant with his child in the final episodes. Mimsy matures during the course of the story and becomes a sensible and giving person by the end.

Mimsy Raas